Recycle Your Electronics for Free This Weekend

By: Mr. Wilson on July 11, 2008
Here's some cool news for those of you who have a stack of old electronics sitting around your house: Schaefer's (47th and R) is hosting a Think Green Recycling Event this weekend. The hours are:
  • Friday: 10-4
  • Saturday: 10-4
  • Sunday: 12-4
Schaefer's will recycle: televisions; consumer electronics (i.e. stereo components); game systems; cell phones; rechargeable batteries; and computers and peripherals. In addition, you will receive $100 off a Sony purchase of $999 or more. The newspaper ad says you'll receive $100 off for every TV you bring in; the web ad just mentions a single $100 coupon. So a little confusion there. This is a really good chance to do a little electronic house cleaning. I know I have several items I've been hesitant to throw in the trash, so this is great timing for me. Two tips, though: First, if you are discarding a computer, make sure you have cleaned up the hard drive. If you're only mildly paranoid, you can just format it. If you're really paranoid, I suppose you could enlist the assistance of a hammer. Second, don't forget about other options for your computers and peripherals, such as donation. A ten year-old computer probably won't do anybody any good; a three year-old computer, on the other hand, is probably still usable. Hat tip: Karin Dalziel. Thanks, Karin!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 11, 2008 at 3:54PM

Thanks for posting this ... and thanks to the tipster!

July 11, 2008 at 6:40PM

The coupon is for $100 off a SONY TV, costing over $999, to be used by Monday. To get the coupon, you probably will want to trade a TV. Only one coupon can be used per TV you buy. Read the fine print. In other words, I have my eyes on a $1200 Sony. I can’t take 12 TV’s, get 12 coupons, and walk out with a free new Sony.

Mr. Wilson
July 11, 2008 at 6:52PM

Well, there is no fine print to read in the newspaper ad. It simply says:

“Schaefer’s gift to you this Christmas in July is FREE recycling and $100 OFF your Sony purchase of $999 or more for every TV you bring in!”

If they actually meant to say what you said, then they need a new copy editor.

July 11, 2008 at 8:26PM

Took 4 TVs, 3 CPUs and 2 monitors.  There was an unbelievable amount of stuff.  Five semi trailers were already full, and this was at 12:45. 

I was waiting (hoping is more like it) for something like this for a long time.  My hat goes off to all of the sponsors responsible.

July 11, 2008 at 10:19PM

This was a great idea ... I showed up at 3:50pm and it was REALLY busy and looked like they’d already had a ton of people there.  Thanks to the sponsors.

July 13, 2008 at 5:23PM

That’s funny, because I read it the same way. I know the copy editor and called him to let him know. Then I read it again on the ad and it does make sense.

Karing Dalziel
July 15, 2008 at 2:52AM

I took in 3 monitors, two printers, and two boxes of peripherals. So good to get rid of all that!

July 15, 2008 at 2:31PM

My understanding is that of all of these events that Sony’s done in the US so far, this weekend was a record-breaker for them. Well done, Lincolnites!

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