Quiet Tracks

By: Mr. Wilson on February 3, 2009
Those of us who live near the railroad tracks along Highway 2 have known for some time that the tracks are all but dead. I assumed rail traffic would eventually come back, but Jack and John discovered that the track may not have a future as an active line. Unfortunately, at least occasionally it gets used as a storage area for empty cars. That creates an unpleasant little eyesore like the one that annoyed area residents for a couple weeks in January. Idle rail cars are harmless, but they don't do any good for area property values. On the other hand, Robbie was crushed when the cars disappeared. Let's say the track were to magically close tomorrow and the railroad property were up for grabs. Does any of it have any value? What would you hope would be done with it? Hat tip: Gene


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Jeff R
February 3, 2009 at 4:37PM

Yeah, so there’s already one across the highway, but it’s kinda crowded.  But seriously, what else do you do with a slice of real estate about ~10 feet wide?

February 3, 2009 at 4:41PM

FEMA trailers.

Mr. Wilson
February 3, 2009 at 4:51PM

We could extend 33rd Street, just to name one possibility. I’m not saying it’s a good idea, but that’s the sort of thing we could do.

February 3, 2009 at 5:24PM

I love the Rail to Trail system and use the trails extensively.  It would be a bit redundant to have yet another trail along Highway 2, but the current one is pretty beat up anyway.  If it was crushed limestone instead of concrete, all the better!

West A Dad
February 3, 2009 at 5:31PM

from the concrete plant at 49th and Hwy 2 to Nebraska City.  It’s called the Arbor Rail Line.

I’d wager that OPPD has no plans to remove the line as it’s a backup coal route to the power plant south of Nebraska City.  If the Union Pacific connection at Nebraska City fails, they’d have the Hwy 2 line as the backup. 

And since OPPD is adding a 600 megawatt plant next to the existing plant, they’re going to need lots of coal.

Dave K
February 3, 2009 at 7:22PM

I drove past those rail cars every day, and was wondering when someone was going to complain about the ‘eyesore’ and its effect on property values. I still don’t get why people think they’re entitled to a view unobstructed by eyesores.  They wouldn’t survive in a city such as Kansas City.

I have to drive over the rough tracks just south of Highway 2 and 40th every day.  I’d like to see them removed, but since there are tracks all over the place that haven’t been used in years, I’m not going to hold my breath.

Matthew Platte
February 3, 2009 at 9:04PM

Find some miscreant to spray graffiti on the stationary cars.  Within a week or so the City Council will be out there with power washers and pastel paint to cover up the tags.  Problem solved.

February 3, 2009 at 10:58PM

Put a couch on top of the cars.

February 4, 2009 at 6:48PM

From what I understand, the Nebraska City plants can be served by Burlington Northern or Union Pacific. This rail is used in Lincoln when BN has the contract on isn’t when UP has it. UP has it now and I think I was told the contract will be re-bid in 2013.

West A Dad
February 5, 2009 at 2:32PM

“The rail line is in use now and will continue to serve in conveying coal to our Nebraska City Station.  Our new unit is scheduled to go on-line later this year.”

Jacqueline S. Quigley
Consumer Relations
Omaha Public Power District
444 South 16th Street Mall
Omaha NE 68102-2247
402-636-3922 (fax)
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