Pumas in Lincoln!

By: Mr. Wilson on December 12, 2005
A rumor is floating around the office that two puma sightings have been reported in Lincoln, one in Wilderness Park and one near 14th & Superior. I can't say that I'm surprised. There's certainly plenty of food (deer, for example) to go around, and the regional puma population has been increasing over the years. I'm actually a little excited by the prospect of puma in the area. I love wildlife -- even the scary slash-your-throat-and-eat-you kind. Public safety comes first, though, so although I certainly don't want this (these?) puma(s) to be killed, I understand there's a good chance that's what will happen.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 12, 2005 at 4:59PM

awwwwww man that is kind of a bummer.  Pumas will probably hide from ya though right?

I logged 500+ miles through wilderness on my bikes this year.  I have seen a bunch of wildlife out there.

I hope my bell will scare them off.

Mr. Wilson
December 12, 2005 at 5:16PM

Actually, your bell probably will scare them off. Unless they’re really hungry, pumas avoid people. I’ve been told that even if you catch one by surprise—a pretty difficult feat in itself—he’ll bristle and growl, but he’s not likely to attack.

Joshua Wiltshire
December 12, 2005 at 5:56PM

A year or so back, I spotted one out near 56th and Yankee Hill or thereabouts.  Kinda spooked me, but I was in a car, so I wasn’t too concerned.  Told a sheriff we found along the way about it, but he didn’t seem very concerned either.  I’m all about the cougars myself.

December 12, 2005 at 8:34PM

We have a mountain lion season up here in my neck of the woods (Black Hills).  They are starting to encroach on the city and I guess the Game, Fish, & Parks boys thought it was the right thing to do. Also, one killed a Jack Russell in someone’s back yard.  It was actually on a lease and the mountain lion pulled it right out of the old ladies hand!  People write into the paper daily saying either, “Those savage beasts need to be rooted out and completely exterminated”, or “Leave them alone, they were here first, everyone alive here should feel bad unless your a mountain lion or Lakota”.  Could we hunt them with a crossbow on a swivel mounted to the front of a fixed gear?

December 13, 2005 at 5:35AM

fixed gear hunting would be quite a sport.  Where can I get a SS permit?

mmmmm….. puma jerkey

P.S. seems the member login is not in effect yet.  I know yall are working on it, just thought I would give a heads up

Mr. Wilson
December 13, 2005 at 1:28PM

Thanks for the heads up re: the member login. It was a cookie problem. It should be all fixed now. If not, give me a holler.

Oh, and: mmmmm…puma jerkey.

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