Progress at 48th and O

By: Mr. Wilson on October 7, 2008
After years of fuss, the area around 48th and O takes another step forward today with the opening of the new Hy-Vee just northeast of the intersection. Now if we could just get those last few empty spots filled in ... That reminds me, is the old Guitars & Cadillacs building (previously a movie theater) still vacant? I don't travel O Street between 48th and 56th very often so I haven't noticed.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 7, 2008 at 2:21PM

“That reminds me, is the old Guitars & Cadillacs building (previously a movie theater) still vacant? I don

Dave K
October 7, 2008 at 2:42PM

Someone, I think it was Matt O, wrote a great piece in the LJS a few months ago about the state of O Street.  He noted that even with the new businesses opening on O Street, there were several that were either closing or had been closed for years.  G & C is one example of that.  His point was that we’re ‘un-blighting’ one stretch, while the others deteriorate.  Another example was the Hy-Vee being left vacant after the new, glorious one opens.

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