Prize Patrol

By: Mr. Wilson on November 22, 2006
I enjoy creating games and puzzles here on Lincolnite and, as demonstrated by how many of you participated in Where's Wilson, many of you enjoy playing. But I know you would enjoy them even more if a prize of some sort awaited the winner. I have plans to supply a few prizes on my own dime for some games I would like to do, but since Lincolnite earns me exactly $0.00 every month (technically even less than that), the prizes won't be too exciting. If any of you own a local business or have the ability to offer a prize or two, I would be happy to give you a little free chatter here on the blog in exchange. And just as a teaser, I am working on a game that I think a lot of you will really enjoy. It's a Lincoln-themed version of a TV show you may have heard of. I even heard a rumor that Sean Connery might play along...


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

November 22, 2006 at 2:37PM

I’ll take “The rapists” for $500 Alex.

November 22, 2006 at 2:39PM

On second thought, make that “Anal bum cover” for $1,000.

Mr. T
November 22, 2006 at 3:05PM

Hahaha - yes! I appreciate it when people can quote classic comedy lines word for word.

Speaking of old comedy classics…has the High Nooners sandwich shop taken down their stand-up cut-out of Kramer from their front window yet?

November 22, 2006 at 4:41PM

Talk about a melt down!  Wow!  Never would have expected that.

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