Pick Me a Camera and Printer

By: Mr. Wilson on September 21, 2005
I'll be in the market for a new digital camera and photo printer sometime between now and the end of the year. For the camera I'm looking for something below the prosumer level (i.e. no dSLR's for now), but with more options than the basic point-and-click. I'm probably looking in the 5- to 6-megapixel range. For the printer I want borderless prints in a variety of sizes and reasonably high-quality inks. I'd love to hear your recommendations (and your anti-recommendations) in the comments.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
September 22, 2005 at 1:37AM

I have a Konica-Minolta Z10 and would not recommend that model unless you are on a budget. A co-worker has a Z12 which is a much more advanced model and is apparently very pleased with it, although it costed quite a bit more than mine.

If you have time to wait a bit, a guy I know with a pretty extensive understanding of digital photography will be teaching a one-shot intro to digital camera/photography class at UNL in the next week or so to students, staff and faculty and I’ll let you know when the class is.

Abe of Lincoln
September 27, 2005 at 6:40AM

I’m pretty happy with my Canon A70 (now a couple years old).

We get prints made at Walgreens (fast and cheap). A photo printer doesn’t seem cost effective. Even apart from the upfront cost of the device, the per print cost is still high. We lack the instant gratification factor and the joy of tweaking, but life goes on.

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