Perplexing Decisions From That Guy Named “Corporate”

By: Mr. Wilson on July 16, 2008
I recently heard about two odd decisions. The first was at the Panera Bread at Southpointe. Apparently "corporate" told them they can no longer sell local newspapers in the store. That's according to an employee who was asked where the newspapers disappeared to. Why can't you get your Cindy Lange Kubick fix along with your morning muffin and coffee? Beats me. I'm told that store management is trying to get the Journal Star to put a vending machine just outside the door. I wonder if Southpointe will let them do that? The other was just a few steps away at Cold Stone. There, apparently "corporate" has told employees to cut back on the friendliness with guests. They are to sing for tips ... and nothing else. Considering that jovial employees -- some might say they are excessively so -- are one of Cold Stone's trademarks, this order is especially baffling. If you're a Cold Stone regular, be sure to let us know if this actually goes into practice.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 16, 2008 at 4:00PM

I feel so sorry for the cold stone peeps when they have to sing.  I usually sneak a tip into the jar or say I will only tip if they do not sing.

And now with my own ice cream maker at home they rarely see me.

$0.75 for a paper is kinda lame.
LJS retort:  You think papers grow on trees? :p

Mr. T
July 16, 2008 at 4:08PM

I read an article about a week ago and apparently Coldstone is suffering big time from diminished sales, and have had to close many outlets throughout the country. You’d think that upping the “fun” level would be something they would want to do, instead of reducing it.

July 16, 2008 at 4:48PM

I avoid Cold Stone because of the “fun.” It’s obnoxious.

Fun Cold Stone fact:
There was once an employee at a San Diego Cold Stone named Steve Austin.

Dave K
July 16, 2008 at 6:41PM

Sounds like Panera is just doing their customers a favor. 😊

July 17, 2008 at 3:22PM


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