Palin in Omaha

By: Mr. T on October 5, 2008
Sarah Palin will be speaking tomorrow in Omaha according to state GOP emails that were sent out tonight:
Republican Vice Presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin featured speaker at Victory 2008 rally in Omaha. The Nebraska Republican Party is pleased to announce that Governor Sarah Palin will be speaking at a public rally in Omaha on Sunday, October 5th. The event will be held at the Omaha Civic Auditorium Music Hall. Doors open at 4:00 p.m. No tickets are required.
Besides Mr. Terry, look to see if Chuck, Mike, John, etc. are there as well to give "shout outs". Edit: Regardless of your thoughts towards Gov. Palin, Mr. Esch, the veracity of the media source, etc., the WaPo weighed in with a front page/home page story on Nebraska this morning: Nebraska becomes unlikely battleground.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 6, 2008 at 12:58AM

Do you really want to hitch your political wagon to Sarah Palin? Seems like Esch could hammer Lee Terry for that.

October 6, 2008 at 1:03AM

Do you really want to hitch you political wagon to Obama/Biden?

Dave K
October 6, 2008 at 1:50AM

Speaking of wagons, nice to see you’ve jumped on the anti-Palin bandwagon being steered by the left-wing media machine. 

The Palin nomination, in one fell swoop, has invalidated journalism, the radical feminist movement, and the theory of left-wing ‘open-mindedness’.  It’s been a joy to see these left-wing ideals go crumbling at the sight of someone they call a dolt.  It isn’t much different than calling the guy who smoked you politically for 5 years the dumbest human being on Earth. 

Anyways, rant over ... Hagel will likely show up at a rally somewhere, but it isn’t going to be for the Republican candidates.  It’s been sad to see him degrade into nothing but a hack politician, because I really did like him for a few years.

October 6, 2008 at 3:09AM

Wow, Dave.  I’d love to hear your sources for your claims of invalidation.  Or should I just tune into KLIN?

Dave K
October 6, 2008 at 4:19AM

I’ll assume that you’re genuinely asking and have no idea what I’m talking about ...

Journalism: What was once called journalism is now propaganda. A distinction can no longer be made between news analysis/opinion and reporting. This devolution has been underway for years, but the coverage of this election has brought us to new lows across the board.  At least some of the big news outlets are denying it less and even admitting it in some cases.  Example: In the ‘analysis’ of the VP debate, Sarah Palin’s performance was classified as “against a vastly more experienced Joe Biden” ... do you think the ‘analysis’ of the presidential debate included a reference to McCain’s vastly superior experience advantage over Obama?  (Actually, I’m noticing something worse, that this article isn’t even classified as ‘analysis’. It may very well be an official AP write-up of the debate.

Radical feminism: For the last 40 years, the radical feminist movement has been out to prove that women can do everything men can do; their biological obligations to their families are no obstacle to their careers in the business world.  This entire philosophy came crumbling down with the arrival of Palin.  Did you ever think you’d hear radical feminists question whether a woman could fulfill her obligations to her family and hold a career at the same time? Apparently the ” ... unless they’re conservative” clause that you have to attach to most liberal ‘causes’ applies to feminism too. 

Liberal open-mindedness: This myth has been disproved consistently for years, but Palin is a great example.  You would think that with how much liberals claim to be ‘open-minded’, that they would welcome someone with Sarah Palin’s values and politics.  Conservatives (ironically, even Sarah Palin!) are often the ones accused of being closed-minded, but I will hope that the treatment of Palin show that their really is no difference between liberals and conservatives when it comes to opinions about people that don’t think like them.

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