Order the Mexican Joints

By: Mr. Wilson on October 3, 2007
For some reason this morning I got to thinking about how the arrival of the Taco Bueno chain in Lincoln makes it hard to know where to go if I want fast "Mexican-like" food of questionable quality. Help me put these in order, from best to worst:
  • Taco Bell
  • Taco Bueno
  • Taco Inn (local)
  • Taco John's
  • Amigos (local)
Should any others be on the list? One might argue that King Taco and DeLeon's should be in the list, but my experience places them in a category above these five. What does your order look like?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
October 3, 2007 at 4:30PM

Of that list, it should be (best IMHO to worst):

Taco Inn
Taco John’s
Taco Bell
Taco Bueno

I would argue that King Taco and DeLeon’s should definitely be considered as fast food Mexican-Americanish.

October 3, 2007 at 5:00PM

best to worse

amigos - they offer a bunch and has that amigos flavor.  Still I have not eaten there for years cuz I only ate there after I was done working at the bar.

Taco Inn - grew up on this blan stuff and still enjoy it.  Might be the vat of cheese you can get.

taco bell - once a year I get a hankering for taco bell, eat it, and swear to never eat it again.

I have never ingested any of the others.  I need to get out and try some of the other places you mentioned.

October 3, 2007 at 5:12PM

You’ve never been to Taco Johns? WOW!
You’ve not lived until you’ve regurgitated after Taco Johns and little bits of Potato Ole come shooting out of your nose. Great stuff!

Mr. T
October 3, 2007 at 5:46PM

One of the best industrialized, americanized/mexicanish fast food I have enountered is a place they have out west called Taco Time.

Mr. T
October 3, 2007 at 5:50PM

Forgot to mention, today is .59 cent hard shell taco day at King Taco. If you like americanized mexicanish, try their hard shell tacos out. Pretty bland, but they got good salsa and you can’t beat that price with a bat.

October 3, 2007 at 5:53PM

I would have to go
1.)Taco Bueno
2.)Taco Johns
4.)Taco Bell
5.)Taco Inn
6.)Leftover Mexican from a dumpster
7.) King Taco

By the way did I mention that I thought King Taco was crap?  😊

Mr. T
October 3, 2007 at 6:03PM

How in the world can you rank Taco Bueno above all those others AND have King Taco last? Your list should be the exact opposite order!

Mr. Wilson
October 3, 2007 at 6:49PM

Uh oh, Duffman, you really did it this time!

October 3, 2007 at 6:58PM

Having never had Taco Bueno experience I went there at lunch today.  It was okay.  My first 2,000 or so tacos were all from Taco Bell so my tastebuds were impaired at an early age.  Having tried all of the others….
1. Taco Bell
2. Taco John’s
3. Taco Bueno
4. Taco Inn (But the taco burgers are great)
5. Amigos

Taco Time originated in Eugene, Oregon and was the second place I ever had tacos and would have to agree…very good and very different than most of the others.

October 3, 2007 at 9:03PM

When I went to King Taco I felt that the food was rather bland and flavor less.  The Tacos tasted like the browned some hamburger in a pan and put it in a taco shell.  The chicken enchiladas were more like tortillas with generic enchilada sauce on them and no chicken to speak of and the refried beans were soupy and disgusting looking/tasting.  But hey to each their own.  I would agree that DeLeon’s is in another class from these establishment on taste and bathroom visits.  😉

October 3, 2007 at 9:16PM

I support Taco Johns just because their mascot is a monkey riding a dog.  That is good enough for me.

I would definitely be happy if we had an El Pollo Loco here, but maybe that’s just me.

October 3, 2007 at 9:22PM

wiplash rules.  Come to think of it I never tried taco johns cuz at about 15 years old my friend Chris told me he found a dog food can in their dumpster.

Then prob 6 years later we were drinking and the same chris stopped in to get 6 soft tacos and a pound of ole’s.  I think I ate one taco, but a ton of ole’s.  I only remember puking on his truck when I missed the open door by a bit.

The taco Jane (she was a girl, get it?  Oh never mind) said you want the rest of the ole’s we have?  You are the last order of the night.

I think Ole’s are meant to exit the body from the nose.

I am scared to go back.

Mr. T
October 3, 2007 at 10:11PM

Duffman - I will admit that King Taco isn’t exactly a gourmet experience. But if identifying a decent fast food chain for low prices (and knowing that any chain food is gonna be mediocre to begin with) is the key criteria, then King Taco is a solid competitor.

BorK - This is now the third time in a few weeks you have made reference to some form of bodily excretion. Seems to be the continuation of a “dangerous new trend.”

October 3, 2007 at 11:05PM

Very little embarrasses me, and I guess puke counts as a bodily excretion 😉

October 4, 2007 at 2:19AM

>>Very little embarrasses me

Beerorkid in with the shocking twist of the week 😉

October 4, 2007 at 4:26AM

1 Taco John

October 4, 2007 at 1:50PM

1. Taco John’s (the ole’s make it so)
2. Taco Bell
3. Amigo’s
4. Taco Inn (only been once; wasn’t good)

Taco Bueno? (have not been yet)

October 4, 2007 at 2:16PM

C’mon guys.  They put an addictive chemical in Amigos ranch that makes me crave for it nightly.  I’m shocked at the low rankings.  I’ve actually snuck crisp meat burritos into movie theaters in lieu of mike and ikes and popcorn.

1.  Amigos
[large dearth]
2.  Taco Inn (very underrated)
3.  Taco Bell (odd combo meal combinations make it hard to order)
4.  Taco John’s

I can’t speak to Taco Bueno, but it sounds magnificent.

October 4, 2007 at 2:39PM

Crisp meat burritos rule.  But a friend of mine who worked there said they are pretty gross to make.  He says go crisp chicken which is much more appealing to assemble and eat.

I love the taco-rito from there.  Just a hard shell taco with a soft shell taco flour tortilla stuck around it with refried beans.  Every time we make tacos at home I do the same.

Man I hate to mention bodily excretion’s once again.  Butt lets just say the next day you know when you have ingested Amigo’s 😉

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