One O’Clock, Two O’Clock, Three O’Clock, Barf

By: Mr. Wilson on August 3, 2010
Lincoln's bars currently close at 1:00am. Plenty of people -- mostly night owls and bar owners -- want to see that extended to 2:00am. The City Council, meanwhile, is presently non-commital. This is a tricky issue for me. On the one hand I'm just fine with bars being open 24 hours a day. In that sort of situation some problems are solved (such as the "rush" of drunk bar patrons at closing time) and others are created (such as issues with police resource allocation). From a "no closing time" perspective a later closing time is "better", or at least acceptable. On the other hand, we all know that night life comes with a down side. I'm not enamored with the possibility that a later closing time could cause more problems. The trouble is, I don't actually know that it'll create more problems. Perhaps the same problems will just occur an hour later, or they will be spread out over a longer period. But intuitively it seems like troubles will increase. Although intuition is an OK starting point, intuition alone doesn't make good policy. Overall I'm leaning toward supporting the later time. Lincoln has a relatively healthy nightlife scene right now. We should embrace that. Barring any shocking data from similarly-situated communities -- i.e. a later closing time drastically increases drunk driving fatalities -- adding an hour to that experience is worth a try. It has the potential to enhance Lincoln's music scene; the Husker night game post-game experience; and it will extend the evening for concert-goers at the new arena once it opens. Of course, this is coming from a non-drinker and a non-participant in the current 1:00am scene. What do I know? I'm sure many of you have a better perspective on this.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

holy hannah
August 3, 2010 at 2:42PM

I don’t mind the 2 a.m. closing as long as the City and the Internal Liquor Commission monitor and punish irresponsible bar owners and employees, and the Courts seriously punish drunk drivers. The irresponsible people make life miserable for the majority of the population who can enjoy a drink or two and not cause problems for others. I think the public would rightfully be furious if there was an increase in drunk driving accidents or problems with drunks downtown after a later closing time. If you can’t handle the responsibility of a later closing time, you should be at home tucked in bed at 9:30 p.m., not in a bar.

August 3, 2010 at 3:33PM

I think 2 am is a reasonable closing time for a city like Lincoln and in many ways Lincoln needs to do this to prevent more drunk driving. Omaha and many other towns within 45 minutes of here have gone to 2 am and some people will undoubtedly be heading to these places later in the evening. If Lincoln moves to 2, much of the driving to surrounding areas would be eliminated.

Then there is the issue of revenue. Bars will take a hit if closing time remains at 1 as more money will be going to Omaha, etc… Places that have live music venues will find it harder to compete with Omaha, which will further hurt Lincoln’s nightlife.

So in all reality keeping the closing time at 1 am will likely do nothing to prevent further drunk driving (it might even enhance the likelihood of it) and it will cost businesses and the city revenue. If the smaller towns in this county want to keep the time at 1, then that is their prerogative. They shouldn’t expect Lincoln, a much different type of community, to stay back with them.

August 3, 2010 at 5:31PM

If we don’t change it now, it will probably change in a few years anyway.

August 3, 2010 at 9:30PM

If we don’t change it, then the terrorists have won.

Mr. Wilson
August 3, 2010 at 9:46PM

Fletch! Fletch! I’ve been meaning to tell you that I finally watched both Fletch and Fletch Lives. I was highly entertained. Moreso with the former than the latter, but that’s the sequel tax for ya.

Mr. T
August 4, 2010 at 12:23AM

<i>I don

August 4, 2010 at 1:48AM

Good for you! They are movies that age very well with multiple viewings. I was disappointed when I saw Fletch Lives, because I had seen Fletch so many times. It’s not nearly as good, but it actually gets better with repeated viewings.

There’s been talk in Hollywood for years that they are going to re-boot the franchise or make a new one. The first rumors were for Ben Affleck to be Fletch. I had a hard time seeing that one.

Glad you enjoyed them!

August 4, 2010 at 2:05PM

Illinois used to be 4 AM.  Hence all the bars across the river from places like Dubuque.

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