One Book, Thirteen Tales

By: Mr. Wilson on September 8, 2008
And the 2008 One Book, One Lincoln selection is ... The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. How many of you participate in OBOL events? I never have -- nearly all of my reading comes in the form of news and opinion pieces -- but The Missus participates on occasion. Her reaction to this year's selection was pretty amusing. She has read all but one of the candidate books (she hasn't read The Memory of Running), so when I saw the announcement in this morning's Journal Star I asked her which book she thought had won. She replied something along the lines of, "Well, every book had something 'different' about it, except one. That one -- The Thirteenth Tale -- was your standard, formulaic mystery identical to every other mystery you've ever read, where you figure out what's going on in the first quarter of the book. So that's probably the one they chose." Hmm. I guess we know where she stands on that.


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