O Street Bridge Construction Begins

By: Mr. Wilson on October 8, 2007
Don't worry, they aren't closing down the O Street bridge just yet. Instead, construction will begin soon on a new bridge at 21st to 22nd Street. That's right, over dry land. One of these days there will be some water under there. Hopefully.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 8, 2007 at 1:55PM

It’s hard for me to comprehend the reasons WHY they are building these bridges and the going BACK to clear the dirt away.  Doesn’t make much sense to do a job TWICE.

Mr. Wilson
October 8, 2007 at 2:08PM

If they wait to build the bridge until they are ready to clear the dirt, there’s nowhere to re-route traffic. Thus: road closures.

If they clear the dirt now, even though the rest of the creek bed isn’t ready, they will create a temporary pond with nowhere to drain. Not to mention that they will expose all sorts of underground pipes and utility lines that would have to be temporarily moved.

In short, they’ve made the correct decision.

Dave K
October 8, 2007 at 4:30PM

Digging dirt out does not equal building a bridge, so I don’t see what they’ll be doing twice.  They’re using a crafty engineering technique that is saving Lincoln drivers a lot of headaches.  Besides, I think the bridges are going to save some lives: if people jump off these bridges in an attempt to commit suicide, they’re only going to fall a few feet.  Hopefully by the time they get to a real bridge they’ll have changed their minds.

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