No Outsiders

By: Mr. Wilson on October 5, 2007
Interesting decision at North Star High School, where Principal Nancy Becker decided to bar students from other schools from attending the upcoming Homecoming dance. The move is safety-related in response to the recent theft of guns from Scheels. At some level the school's response makes sense. It's easier to sniff out trouble when you know everybody than when you are among strangers. Fair enough. But among the kids arrested so far in the theft, most attended North Star, and one didn't attend school at all. Perhaps they should invite students from other schools but not their own for maximum safety. I really shouldn't second-guess the decision. Dr. Becker has an excellent track record with LPS. And really, it's not so much that I disagree. It's more that I am not convinced that the move provides anything more than an extra sense of security, rather than security itself. That, and it creeps me out that a bunch of administrators sat around and had a discussion in which the words "Virginia Tech at North Star" were probably uttered. I'm glad I don't have to regularly think about those things.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 5, 2007 at 5:15PM

I think its exclusionary thinking at its finest. What’s next, we wall off Lincoln,  Wymore, Wilber, Davey, Denton, whatever and declare our own little fiefdoms? What if my kid went to Northstar and doesn’t like/date someone from the school? How is it any safer to keep out people you don’t know (the dates of those NS students) when any one of the local kids can effect the same type of behavior? We just wrote our dates name down in the office if they were from somewhere else-wow…that was hard. It was also only 10 years ago. Are people so willing to bow to the alter of ‘saftey’ even to the point of sacrificing common sense?

Too many people are thinking of security instead of opportunity. They seem more afraid of life than death.
  - James F. Byrnes

October 8, 2007 at 2:01PM

The new student ID tags were supposed to help identify students from all schools and offer a sense of security. By their own admission (by not admitting students from other schools, even if they have their ID), LPS says this new ID policy doesn’t work.

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