No Electric Shock This Time Around

By: Mr. Wilson on December 2, 2008
Only 4%, LES? Compared to last year's 14.1% rate increase, 4% is nothing. I haven't studied LES's budget proposal so I can't give much of an informed opinion of my own. I can, however, see what others think. The Lincoln Employers Coalition is "generally supportive" of the proposal, and LIBA doesn't seem to be raising a big stink. Those two groups represent the City's biggest electricity users, so they have the most at stake when rates are on the line. Then again, some (but certainly not all) of them can just raise their prices to offset the increased costs. That isn't really an option for homeowners, especially when salaries aren't exactly shooting up. As for the Wilson family, we've been trying to focus on keeping our energy bills low the old fashioned way: through efficiency and conservation. I just recently installed the first couple CFLs in our home; more will follow as our current lightbulbs die. We have kept heating costs in check by lowering the thermostat and by actively taking advantage of the sunlight coming through our southern windows. And so on. The end result is that, even with rate increases and despite one or more of us being home throughout the day, we're keeping our utility bills in check.


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