Nice Try, Guardians of Freedom Air Show

By: Mr. Wilson on September 6, 2011
The Guardians of Freedom Airshow is this weekend, September 10th and 11th. (I'll give you one guess what the theme of this year's show is going to be.) Gates open at 9:30am each day and close at 5:00pm. The Blue Angels are among the performers. That all sounds great, but there's one wee little problem: there's no published schedule. Neither the printed advertisement published in last week's LJS nor the website include information about when the various performances will occur. Gates open at 9:30am, but do performances begin then? At 10:00am? At noon? Do all performances happen on both days, on just one day, or do some happen both days while others just happen on one day? And of course the big question -- when and how often will the Blue Angels perform? The event organizers are being deliberately obtuse, of course. It forces people to spend significantly more time on site than they might otherwise. It also helps the parking situation by discouraging a mass arrival or departure. So business-wise it makes sense, but customer service-wise it stinks. It puts a tremendous amount of unnecessary strain on families with young children (like ours), particularly when some of those children (such as one of ours) have special needs and spending all day on an airport runway isn't a viable option. To be clear, I understand that weather plays a big role in all of this. I know that if the weather's crappy at 2:30 the Blue Angels aren't going to perform at 2:30. But that doesn't mean event organizers can't give potential attendees a reasonable approximation that's subject to change. If the weather's perfect, great! They've done everyone a huge service. And if not, oh well, we're no worse off than we are now. Anyway, go have fun at the airshow this weekend. And good luck with traffic.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 6, 2011 at 10:33PM

At least with it being this weekend, the massive traffic problems won’t conflict with a home Husker game. Oh, wait. Nevermind.

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