More Downtown Action

By: Mr. Wilson on October 2, 2013
When I first saw the headline I cringed: Redevelopment to move ahead without Windstream warehouse. I thought to myself, "Ugh, a plan that sounded great this spring has been significantly pared down, probably to the point of utter blandness." Fortunately my initial reaction was off. Instead, the relatively large project that will construct 100 housing units and a long-requested Downtown grocery store is mostly intact. The only part that didn't survive is the renovation of the Windstream warehouse at 21st and L. Windstream couldn't come to an agreement with the developer. That's not so bad. The remainder of the project can go forward, and the warehouse deal could still go through at some point in the future. It's nice to know that areas near Antelope Creek aren't being forgotten, what with all the hype in the West Haymarket. Now if we could just get some momentum going in South Downtown. All in due time, I suppose.


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