Mid-Week Tailgating

By: Mr. Wilson on October 10, 2007
It is Homecoming week at UNL, and that means an excuse for a mid-week tailgate party. HuskerFest takes place Thursday night from 6:00 to 8:00pm at Ed Weir track just North of Memorial Stadium. There will be free food from Valentino's, cheerleaders, drawings and giveaways, games for the kids -- the works. Plus, you can meet Mike Rozier and Johnny Rodgers. And if you're among the first 300 Alltel customers to whip out your phone or phone bill, you can win autographed items from Rozier and Rodgers. If you need a fresh shot of Husker enthusiasm -- and who doesn't right now? -- or if you're just looking for some free food, stop by tomorrow night. Psst: While you're on campus, don't forget to check out the Homecoming floats.


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