Mickey D’s and U-Stop Get the A-OK

By: Mr. Wilson on July 3, 2008
After being shot down three years ago by the Planning Commission and then-Mayor Colleen Seng, Whitehead Oil may be on the way to getting approval for a McDonald's and U-Stop on the site of a vacant parking lot at 21st and K. I was a fan of the development in 2005, and my opinion hasn't changed. Well, let me clarify: I'm a "fan" only to the extent that I think it's a logical use for the land, and I don't see any good reason for the project to be denied. I'm sure I could come up with "better" uses for the land, but that's not really the point. Besides, if there were better uses for the location, somebody would have stepped forward in the last three years. Now that I think about it, I'm a little surprised the gas station won't include a restaurant of its own. I would think an in-store Subway would do killer business there.


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