Men in Green

By: Mr. Wilson on April 13, 2007
There's a big game in town this weekend. But it won't be the men in red everybody is focused on. Instead, all eyes will be on the men in green. Who do you think will come out smelling prettier: the Top Dog, or the Underdog?


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April 13, 2007 at 4:37PM

Methinks the top dog will come out looking prettier. The nice thing with this game is that they can design it purposely happen that way, if they want. They can call the right offensive and defensive plays to have a kid throw for 300 yards so we dream of Heisman trophies all summer long, only to see reality in the fall against more blitzes and number 1 defenses. I hope both get a fair shot and we can mix it up a little - not a true 2 QB system (although that didn’t hurt the Gators last year).

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