Math Nerds Rule

By: Mr. Wilson on March 18, 2008
Back before the math portion of my brain shifted into neutral -- curse you, calculus! -- I considered myself a bit of a math nerd. When I saw that Lux Middle Schools's MathCounts team placed second in the state competition it brought back a stream of memories. Unfortunately, most of the memories involve me not having the slightest idea how to do most of the problems set before me, but hey, I tried. Also, big congratulations to Lux's Isaac Bohart who will join three Omahans to represent the state in the National MathCounts competition in Denver in May.


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March 18, 2008 at 1:58PM

Mr. W., simply remember that A^2 plus B^2 = C^2.

If geometry is your thing, it’s always good to know that if two parallel lines are cut by a transversal, alternate interior angles are congruent.

These simply guidelines have helped me out countless times in my life. Remember that, kids, when you want to ask the Algebra teacher when in life you’ll ever use this stuff.

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