Make Those Reservations Early

By: Mr. Wilson on January 13, 2009
SpillZone is thinking ahead:
I was wondering if people could share restaurants they find enjoyable for Valentine’s Day or an anniversary dinner. We’ve been to Fireworks and Misty’s, but might there be other hidden gems around town?
What say you, Lincolnites? Share your recommendations -- but only after you've been sure to make your own reservation.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 13, 2009 at 4:38PM

You have made me realize we don’t have this category on Taste of Lincoln.  Shame on us.

For a special occasion, I would recommend Venue or Green Gateau.  I don’t think you could go wrong with either.  I have not been for dinner, but Magnolia’s seemed nice when I was there for drinks and appetizers.

As for Valentine’s Day, my wife and I gave up and we buy a nice tenderloin at Ideal Grocery and make a nice dinner.  We went out once and it was a less than romantic evening since most places will not take a reservation.

Eric S
January 14, 2009 at 9:52PM

I would agree with the Magnolia assesment. I know the owner, so I’m a bit biased, but I’ve always been served well and the food is darn tasty. The Chicken fried steak is….GOOD!!!

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