LPS Will Never Win This One

By: Mr. Wilson on December 12, 2007
This time, LPS waited too long to cancel classes. (So say the commenters on that article, anyway.) In previous winters, LPS has jumped the gun, canceling classes on days that turned out to be quite pleasant. Either way, they catch grief. Personally, I prefer the wait-and-see approach. Forecasts are often incorrect or exaggerated. Closure decisions should be based on reality, not anticipation and fear. Then again, my son isn't school-age yet. Perhaps once he is I'll change my mind. But if I don't have a winter weather childcare contingency plan in place well before winter weather arrives, that's my problem, not LPS's.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 12, 2007 at 3:37PM

They didn’t cancel the night before like other area schools but I didn’t think that was unusual or unreasonable at all. I was up at 5AM yesterday and they had already canceled.

People always have the option of keeping their child at home whenever they feel the weather is a problem.

December 12, 2007 at 4:48PM

Mr. Wilson has nailed it on the head. And you too Gene.

Example #3,764 in the category “Reasons I read the comments on the Lincolnite and not the comments on the Journal Star.”

December 12, 2007 at 8:30PM

As a first-year parent of an LPS student, I will tell you that our phone rang with a recorded message letting us know that school would be closed. The call came in at about 5:15 am. I think that was fair notice, and of course I had a hunch based on every other school district in sight being closed that LPS would close too. I think they did fine, and I don’t fault them at all. They will never please everyone.

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