LPD Plans to Fight a Losing Fight

By: Mr. Wilson on July 1, 2008
It may be a futile effort, but Chief Casady reports that his officers will be hard-asses this year when it comes to ticketing fireworks-related violations. Expect a ticket, rather than the usual warning or finger-wagging, if you are caught with fire crackers, bottle rockets, or other no-nos. I wish LPD the best of luck, but I suspect it's a lost cause. One week of super-strict enforcement will breed resentment and bitterness, not compliance. Fortunately, LPD has a hefty amount of goodwill to burn, so it's not like the city is likely to turn on them, especially on a topic that's only relevant to most people for, at most, 5 days out of the year. I'll be curious to see how the enforcement efforts work out. If you notice any effects one way or the other, do let us know.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 1, 2008 at 4:19PM

I’m in the minority but I think Lincoln should ban all fireworks.

As much as I love fireworks, especially the ones that go bang, Lincoln has gone absolutely crazy overboard with fireworks.

You can’t even drive down streets and the air pollution is sickening.

I know this is an unpopular idea, but I really think it has gotten out of hand. Issuing citations won’t change much, but an all-out ban could be more effective.

Mr. Wilson
July 1, 2008 at 5:08PM

You’re right, that is a minority opinion. I’d be curious, though, to find out if its stock is rising. I certainly hear more of this sort of buzz than I used to. Then again, my demographics have changed, so maybe that’s all that’s happening.

Personally, I’m not likely to hop on the ban bandwagon anytime soon. Yet I completely understand where you’re coming from. So many wasted resources, so much abuse, so little regard for neighbors. That’s what really gets me; that people use “the 4th” as an excuse to be uncivil. I remember sitting on the front porch last year and feeling pretty bummed out by the whole thing. Then again, considering my antics as a youth at this time of year, it’s pretty easy to think of this as karma biting me in the rump.

Mr. T
July 1, 2008 at 6:06PM

I’m probably in the majority of people who don’t use or play with fireworks, but reluctantly accept them as a fact of life this time of year. I am fine with them so long as people don’t use them after, say, midnight or 11pm at night.

As far as the enforcement goes, I trust that the police will use their judgment when it comes to prioritizing calls. In other words, I hope they concentrate on criminal felonies or drunk drivers this weekend rather than kids lighting black cats.

July 1, 2008 at 7:18PM

I really love the letters to the editor that will pour in over the next fortnight.

July 2, 2008 at 2:29PM

Overboard in what way? Unless you mean the illegal stuff that people shoot off anyway, I can’t buy much more than a sparkler for my kids. OooOoO…a fountain, yippee. Parachutes have got be be borderline-they are aerial AND they pop. Oh horrors. I have a hose, a bucket, a broom, and we shut down by 10. Sure, im probably in the minority, but I get really tired of holier than thou property owners that lament every year about this. I own my house too, I deal with the little bit of noise and smoke and move on with my life. I look back on the crap I did with fireworks and take a large grain of salt-I made a vow to not suddenly become conservative since im 30, as seems to be fashionable amongst some of my other friends. You can’t control if people are civil or not, only how you act. IF they choose to be A**holes about it I suppose you can call LPD, but civility goes two directions.

July 2, 2008 at 7:15PM

Overboard in the use of fireworks that go boom. Aerials, mortars, etc… And somehow the public streets become fair game for firework displays, so if you happen to be driving you are pretty much going through an obstacle course.

Didn’t mean to come off as holier than thou—I’m just turned off by the excess that the holiday has become. If that’s offensive, than so be it.

July 3, 2008 at 7:35PM

I love the noise and I love the smell. It’s only for a couple of days. I really haven’t heard much of anything this year, even today, when it’s legal. I look forward to this evening and tomorrow. It’s like being a kid again.

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