Lincoln’s Other Other University is Expanding

By: Mr. Wilson on July 3, 2008
Kaplan University (formerly Hamilton College, formerly Lincoln School of Commerce) has formally announced its long-expected expansion plans for its campus at 19th and K. The expansion, plus the fact that the school sits right at the end of the Antelope Valley Project, will certainly help build its visibility within the community. I don't know a whole lot about KU / HU / LSC. Are any of you grads from the school? How did you like it?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 3, 2008 at 1:29PM

My friend graduated from there many moons ago.  he calls it Lincoln School of Coloring.

I was getting my luxurious hair cut last week and a lady there was a teacher at whatever its name is this month.  Her class got canceled because all 3 of the students taking the class skipped out on it.

It will take a bunch of 3 student classes to pay for a $5 million expansion.

July 3, 2008 at 5:27PM

4 years ago I was looking to use VA voc rehab to go to school and when I mentioned an IT program at LSC (Lincoln School of Commerce, at the time)HE just laughed. They wanted something like 22,000 for an associates degree.

July 3, 2008 at 7:51PM

Are they going to put in a research and innovation park? 😉

Mr. Wilson
July 3, 2008 at 8:00PM


(I’m terrible, I know.)

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