Let the Games Begin

By: Mr. Wilson on March 13, 2008
Today is the first day of the high school soccer season. I'm excited as both a referee and as a fan of youth sports. The Class A picture is a little more jumbled this year than in past years, on both the boys and girls side, so it'll be fun to see how that works out. There are several local athletes to keep an eye on, including some relatively rare Division I talent on the boys side. I'll be on the pitch tonight at 5:00pm resuming my role as "Mr. Clean", a name officially bestowed upon me by some of the Lincoln East parents, along with countless heckling student sections. Too bad high school soccer season is in the spring. If it were in the fall, I would definitely wear a wig on Halloween just to toy with them. And by the way, we're still recruiting referees. It's too late to get registered to ref varsity soccer, but we still need youth, reserve, and jv refs. Drop me a note if you're interested.


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