Late Night

By: Mr. Wilson on October 17, 2006
Urgh, I'm tuckered today. I worked at the computer until 2:00am last night. A website client wanted some work done by yesterday, even though I didn't even receive the bulk of the necessary material until 6:00pm last night. I could have just said "Yeah, right", but a) I'm a pushover, and b) if I want that new laptop, I need the money. I was surprised to discover that I was able to cruise along pretty well until 1:15 or so. When Robbie started crying at 2:00, I took that as an invitation to shut down the computer and go take care of my sick kid. And I'm glad I did. As it turned out, Robbie was crying mainly because he couldn't sleep due to his cold. He wanted to cuddle, I wanted to sleep; I sensed a win-win situation. So I propped him up on my chest, propped myself up on the bed, covered up with a blanket, and watched as Robbie immediately passed out. I fell asleep a few minutes later, and I ended up having one of the deepest, most restful sleeps I've had in ages. It must have worked wonders for Robbie, too, because he was in fine form this morning. It's probably a good thing I got some practice at staying up late, because Saturday nigh I have two evening soccer matches, followed by a three-hour drive home. I figure I'll pull into the driveway around 1:30am or so Sunday morning. Fortunately I'll be traveling with a talkative guy, so I shouldn't have to worry about dozing off.


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