Large Empty Stores Around Town

By: Mr. Wilson on November 17, 2008
Many people were concerned about Hy-Vee's departure from 70th and O. East Park is a mess, Gateway is struggling, and Hy-Vee was bailing out of a prime corner. There was talk of the former Hy-Vee being empty for a long time. Fortunately, Matt Olberding reports that "something new " is going into the old Hy-Vee. That's one "big" location we don't have to worry about sitting idle. What are some of the other biggest empty stores around town? The former K-Mart in Edgewood (56th and Highway 2) comes immediately to mind. Soon Steve & Barry's (Gateway) will join the list. And isn't Big Lots! Linens 'N Things (East Park) in its death throes? What other locations can you think of?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

November 17, 2008 at 2:53PM

Big Lots has always amazed me it can be viable.  Linens and things next door has some good deals since they are closing. 

At least there is an IGA across the street to keep the surrounding area happy.

The first comment over on the biz buzz blog made me chuckle.

November 17, 2008 at 2:58PM

There are a number of new and empty buildings near the new Kohl’s, and the center near the new SuperTarger still is mostly empty.

I’ve still never heard of what is happening at SouthPointe where the HobbyTown USA used to be, before they were moved earlier this year.

There are empty bays on either side of the new south Office Depot, south of Lowe’s.

Much of the Piedmont Shopps at Cotner and A sits empty, and has since the early 2000’s. There is a dumpster outside the former Kay’s restuarant. Does that mean progress?

Mr. T
November 17, 2008 at 8:07PM

The old Russ’s next to ShopKo at 27th and Hwy 2 is still abandoned, I think. I rarely went there though.

November 18, 2008 at 12:01AM

A friend who works in one of the remaining open places at Piedmont says a sandwich shop is going into the former Kay’s, and I could swear I read that the old Russ’s by Shopko is going to turn into a True Value hardware store. Don’t quote me on that last one, though - I can’t find a source for it now.

November 18, 2008 at 1:28AM

I think you are right. Also, the True Value south of Sutter Place (48th and Highway 2) is having a moving sale, so that would make sense.

November 19, 2008 at 2:53PM

I remember seeing a story in the Journal Star about True Value moving to the old Russ’s. I think Steve Glenn (travel agent/entrepreneur) owns the hardware store, but I may be confusing a couple of different stories.

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