Land Grab is Good News for Antelope Valley?

By: Mr. Wilson on October 8, 2007
The Journal Star reported on Sunday (article not online) that some land purchases near 20th and R may be for a new Assurity Life Insurance headquarters. The headquarters would replace Assurity's two current sites at 15th and K -- which will likely go to the State -- and 40th and Pine Lake. If true, it would be a nice boost for the Antelope Valley Project and may help change some cynical Lincolnites' perceptions that the AVP is little more than "a ditch and a road". (Nope, I'm not telling who said that.) Any headquarters Assurity builds would have to be relatively large; their current facilities house 400+ employees in 150,000 square feet. Presumably they would want a larger facility, plus room for expansion.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

October 8, 2007 at 2:21PM

“Land grab” seems like a negative connotation to me. If they are buying available land in the hopes of centralizing their operations and boosting the whole AVP thing, and bringing jobs closer to downtown, what’s negative about any of that?

“Land grab” is the most common used phrase here when folks gripe about UNL wanting the State Fairgrounds. I wouldn’t really equate the two.

Mr. Wilson
October 8, 2007 at 2:30PM


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