Just Shy of 300K

By: Mr. Wilson on September 5, 2007
The Nebraska State Fair almost hit 300,000 visitors this year. That's small potatoes compared to some of the other fairs out there (Iowa), but hey, we'll take what we can get. Love or hate the Fair, it's good for Lincoln, and it's good for Nebraska. Probably not good for our arteries, though.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 5, 2007 at 2:35PM

Do they measure those numbers by turnstiles, or by how many empty corndog sticks and turkey leg bones are left behind? Perhaps some actuary can determine via forensic accounting that if “x” number of fried Twinkies on a stick were served, and “y” number of funnel cakes were consumed, that the attendance was “z”.

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