Just Checking In; How Y’all Doin’?

By: Mr. Wilson on July 9, 2007
Greetings, Lincolnites! I'm here in hot and humid Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania, and I'm dog tired. They're keeping us pretty well occupied from 6:00am until 9:00pm every day. The only reason I'm able to post this is that I was lucky enough to snag an early game assignment tonight. But I'm headed back out to the fields in just a little while, so this is only a short rest. In a way I feel like I'm back in band camp. The day starts at 6:00am sharp with a light workout. Next comes breakfast, followed by 3 hours of on-field lessons. That's followed by lunch, and then an afternoon of indoor classroom sessions. Then dinner, followed by games. After that, rinse off the salt and sunscreen in the shower, hit the sack, and be ready to do it all again at 6 the next day. I'm looking forward to Wednesday morning's workout, in a perverse sort of way. That's when I'm taking my physical performance test. The four events are:
  1. 12 minute run. The run takes place on a soccer field. You run as far as you can, in 100-meter lengths (back and forth), in 12 minutes. My goal is 3,000 meters, which would require that each 100-meter length be run in 24 seconds. There was a time that would have been simple for me, but I'm not much of an endurance guy any more. Frankly, as tired as I'll probably be by then, I'll likely be lucky to go 2,600 meters. We'll see.
  2. Pro-40. Imagine a square 10 meters on a side. Start at the lower-left corner and sprint forward 10 meters, sidestep right ten meters, run backwards 10 meters, sidestep left 10 meters, sidestep right 10 meters, spring forward 10 meters, sidestep left 10 meters, and finally run backwards 10 meters. Lots of people tumble on that last backwards sprint.
  3. Brazililan AR 50-meter Test. Sidestep 10 meters, spring 15 meters, sidestep 10 meters, sprint 15 meters.
  4. 30-Meter Shuttle. This one is the real killer, which is why it comes last. Picture a 30-meter line, with points A and B. Sprint A to B, B to A, A to B. Now rest for a maximum of 10 seconds. Then sprint B to A, A to B, B to A, A to B. I love this one precisely because you feel like Jell-O when you're finished. That's the only way to end a workout.
My goal is to come out with the best score of anybody in the camp. I don't know if that's a realistic goal, but hey, why not? I'm writing my goal here so I can't cop out. I'll let you know how it goes. I have lots more to write (about more interesting things), but I'm starting to yawn. I need to get off my butt and move around a bit or I won't make it through the evening. More later as time (and availability of internet access) permits. Edited to add: I just realized the radio station playing in here is called Warm 103.3. Warm? Seriously? "We're not hot! We're not cool! We're just ... warm." I hope that marketing genius got a raise for coming up with that name.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
July 10, 2007 at 2:13AM

This heat is insane everywhere. Sounds like you will be sleeping well tonight. Hopefully you will get some free time to tour around B’more and DC.

July 10, 2007 at 2:39AM

“You’re listening to the smooth sounds of Moist 98.”

July 10, 2007 at 4:38AM

Metres? What, did you land in a metric country? I should have studied harder in 1976 when they told us we’d have to soon switch to Metric to keep up with the world. Uh, sure.

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