Jeff Fortenberry is Nebraska’s Porkiest Congressman

By: Mr. Wilson on August 10, 2007
Members of Congress love their pork. Fortunately, two out of Nebraska's three Representatives -- Lee Terry and Adrian Smith -- showed a little restraint this year. Rep. Terry voted against pork 46 out of 50 times. Rep. Smith wasn't too far behind at 42 out of 50. But the man who represents our district didn't do so well. Representative Jeff Fortenberry voted against pork only 19 out of 50 times; that is, he voted in favor of pork 62% of the time. That's especially interesting when you consider ol' Fort's stand on taxes and spending:
My priorities are good tax policy, fiscal responsibility, and policy reform to deliver important public services to those in need while prudentially managing revenues. I believe allowing families and persons to save, spend, and invest more of their own money strengthens the economy. Taxes should be simple, reasonable, and moderate. The evidence is clear: tax relief has stimulated economic growth and increased productivity and federal revenue. As your Congressman, I voted to prevent tax increases on families and small businesses. I have supported estate tax relief to protect family-owned businesses and farms and allow all Nebraskans to pass their earnings to future generations. Government can and does do many good things. Yet spending your money should be done with a spirit of fiscal discipline. I recently supported legislation (the line-item veto) that gives the President the authority to eliminate wasteful spending items and allows Congress to revote on the measures. I believe this is one way to encourage fiscal prudence and increase lawmakers’ accountability to taxpayers.
Among Fort's preferred pork: $1 million for the Center for Instrumented Critical Infrastructure in Pennsylvania, despite the fact that the Center's existence could not be confirmed by the man who asked for the money.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 10, 2007 at 6:04PM

Found at Instapundit.

...on page 4 of a 142,000 return Google search. The first 3.5 pages were political bloggers.

August 11, 2007 at 3:36PM

My wife sometimes spend evenings laughing and comparing Jeff Fortenberry’s statements with his voting record. He’s such a kidder!

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