Its Official: The 2005 Federal Government Dietary Guidelines…woohoo!

By: Mr. T on January 13, 2005
After 5 long years, the new dietary guidelines for the country were released today. Fruits and dark green vegetables are good. As is looking to fish and beans for protein. Avoid deep fried and sugar-laden products, and try and exercise every now and then. Truly earth-shattering. Anyway, I'm still waiting for the revised pyramid thing.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. Wilson
January 13, 2005 at 11:06PM

Am I the only one who truly doesn’t understand why the government wastes its time (and our money) on these things? That’s a rhetorical question. Of /course/ I’m not the only one.

One could argue, I suppose, that the government is actually trying to save its taxpayers money by trying to eliminate health problems that drain taxpayer-funded medical support systems. If you do take that position, though, I will be forced to laugh at you.

Despite my government’s prodding, I will neither pay attention to these new guidelines, nor will I modify my eating and exercising behaviors in any way. Why should I change my behaviors when, five years from now, I’ll be told that all my new government-endorsed behaviors are bad for me?

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