In the Midst of an E-TIF-any

By: Mr. Wilson on June 4, 2008
Well would you look at that. The City Council is finally starting to think about the implications of its prodigious use of tax increment financing over the years. The project at the heart of the discussion is a long-in-the-works development at 10th and Van Dorn. The developer, B&J Partnership, doesn't want "free land" or "free money" from the City, but the City still could make infrastructure improvements to the area. The Council is concerned about the "slippery slope" associated with using TIF in that sort of scenario. But as Urban Development Director (and rockin' Sunday morning DJ) David Landis pointed out, "If there is a slippery slope, we’ve begun to descend that slippery slope in the past." After years of seemingly indiscriminate use of TIF, it's nice to see the City Council take pause and give this topic a think.


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