I’m Not Ready

By: Mr. Wilson on September 7, 2010
I don't know about you, but I am most definitely not ready for sunset to come earlier and earlier every day. Tonight's sunset comes at 7:49pm, for cryin' out loud! That's much too soon. I shouldn't complain, I suppose. Surely early darkness is a small price to pay for fall's beautiful temperatures. This time of year means lots of open windows and fresh air. In a house with three boys, two rats, and a dog, we need all the fresh air we can get. Nevertheless, early darkness bums me out. I know I'll get used to it, but it's one of my least favorite things about winter. It ranks worse than icy roads, frigid wind chills, and snow-covered driveways in my book. Perhaps I'll just wear a bright headlamp all winter. Hey, speaking of autumn I wonder how bad the Asian lady beetle swarms will be this year. I get jumpy every fall ever since a bizarre, insect-infested camping trip at Indian Cave several years ago. That may have been a fluke, but it was a memorable fluke. If I remember correctly that year's Asian lady beetle population exploded in mid- or late-October, but my defenses go up each September. Yick, I still remember trying to sleep in the camper that night. Ugh. Anyway, what aspects of fall are you ready or not ready for?


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