I’m Going to Miss My TV Week

By: Mr. Wilson on July 7, 2008
Well drat. The Journal Star has discontinued TV Week without warning. And judging by the comments on the LJS's website, at least a few folks are pretty steamed up. I especially like the suggestion from "Lily" that the LJS pay for new remote controls, due to the increased channel surfing required to figure out what's on. Although I'm disappointed, I'm not surprised. The ad-to-content ratio was pretty low in TV Week. Until you find a new way to get your TV listings, you may need some help determining what you should watch. For tonight there's really no contest: ALF is on WGN for two hours starting at 7:00pm. You can be darn sure I'm going to introduce Robbie to some fine 1980's television tonight.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

July 7, 2008 at 1:55PM

They probably looked, in part, at how many people had cable and satellite, and figured that printing the listing no longer necessary. They could put it in the Online edition for lower cost, and there is still TV guide and other newspapers (Omaha?) that list TV listings. It’s not that difficult to get the information.

Mr. T
July 8, 2008 at 12:29AM

Thanks for that link Swid. Sometimes yahoo tv listings is off (as it was tonight) and this seems like a nice site to double check channel schedules.

Anyway, I’m not a huge TV fan. I still like The Office but was a bit disappointed with last season. The only show I follow regularly and really like now is breaking bad.

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