Ignite Lincoln 3 is Coming

By: Mr. Wilson on December 5, 2011
Ignite Lincoln is fast-paced, inspirational evening of talks designed to get you thinking. The third iteration of the event is coming up on January 26, 2012 at The Bourbon Theatre. The first year and second year were a huge, standing-room-only success. The event is particularly fun and unique because of its format. Speakers have just five minutes to get their ideas across. Each presentation is accompanied by twenty slides, and the slides automatically advance after fifteen seconds. It's a quick and simple process that requires clarity and brevity. Of course, in order for the event to be a success it needs presenters. If you have a great idea you want to share with your fellow Lincolnites, submit a proposal to speak. I'm thinking about submitting a proposal this year. I have two ideas worked out in my head, but I would like to brainstorm some more ideas before I settle on one. Got an idea for me? Let me know and I'll put it into the mix. Heck, maybe I'll even ask you folks to help me choose my topic. A limited number of free early-bird tickets will be available. Keep your eyes peeled for an announcement about their availability. And then get one, because you know you want to be there. Have any of you attended or spoken at Ignite Lincoln in the past? Tell us about it!


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 5, 2011 at 8:45PM

I really wanted to go this year, but that’s the same night as the Lincoln Teammates dinner.  Boo.  You would make a great presenter for this!

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