If the Council Won’t Do it, The People Will

By: Mr. Wilson on March 20, 2008
Victor Cobalt thinks Lincolnites should be able to vote on the question of whether City Council members should be forbidden from holding contracts with the City. If he can get 5,000 Lincolnites to signal their agreement with a signature, we'll see the issue on November's ballot. I do happen to agree with him. I think it's a good question for the people to answer, even though I myself am not completely sold one way or the other. Would you sign the petition?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

March 20, 2008 at 2:43PM

I tend to view voter initiatives much like nuisance law suits and term limits.  They are overused and seldom a good idea.

We live in a representative system and make our selections about who represents us every two or four years. If every time our representatives do what they think is right and we second guess them constantly, pretty soon they start doing what they think we want them to do.

I would hate very much to work where every single action I take is second guessed.  The best people to be our representatives decide they don’t want to work for us and we find ourselves with a mediocre group of representatives.

If we really trusted the best and brightest to do their job, we would get the best and brightest to run for office.

Mr. T
March 20, 2008 at 4:29PM

I would definitely sign that petition, as well as vote for the prohibition. It is clearly a conflict of interest.

March 20, 2008 at 9:46PM

I won’t sign it, and I wouldn’t vote for it as is.

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