If Bad Things Come in Threes, One Person is Still in Trouble

By: Mr. Wilson on October 24, 2007
A few weeks ago, we had to summon an ambulance to a soccer field because a player was knocked unconscious after a free kick (from his own teammate!) smacked him in the head. Fortunately he came to, and his parents opted to refuse an ambulance transport to the hospital. Hopefully they took him on their own. Last night we had to summon an ambulance again, this time for a broken leg. I didn't see it -- I was on the far side of the field -- but apparently it snapped like a twig. The break wasn't associated with a foul or anything. Nobody seems to have seen it clearly, but one guess is that he may have caught his toe on the turf while kicking the ball. In any event, that's two. If it's true that bad things come in threes, there remains one more ambulance to be summoned this season. But bad news, folks: I only have four more matches on my calendar right now (plus the potential for one or two post-season matches), so if you see me on your game, it could be you. Or heck, it could be me. Time to check up on that referee insurance...


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