“I was just turning around!”

By: Mr. Wilson on January 5, 2009
OK folks, it's time to fess up. Several LPD officers shared some of the lamest excuses for speeding they've heard. Frankly, many of them aren't very lame. You can do better. What lame excuses have you tried when an officer pulled you over? I haven't yet been pulled over -- which isn't to say I haven't deserved it -- so I don't have any speeding excuses to share. However back in my teenage years I found my vehicle stuck in some snow in an area my vehicle oughtn't have been. While my friend and I tried to dig the car out, a police car showed up. The officer may have been dumb enough to believe my excuse that "I was just turning around", but I don't think so. I think he felt it was punishment enough that we should have to try to dig out the car in subzero temperatures with little more than our hands and a couple ice scrapers. Brr.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Eric S
January 5, 2009 at 3:33PM

Not a speeding story ... but maybe worth sharing.

I was driving my girlfriend to an early morning class at UNL, dropped her off on stadium drive, and left. I guess turning onto 10th street i made a U-turn where i “ought not” have. Ma’am police office was there to greet me.

Turned out I had forgotten my wallet, and couldn’t find her up to date insurance to at least five minutes.

I’m sure to her it looked like this.

-Illegal uturn
-No license
-No insurance
-Possible stolen car

Thankfully she was nice about it a I got off with a warning…I think it my horribe morning hair (and probably breath) that got me out of that out.

January 5, 2009 at 4:18PM

Driving my old four-cylinder Mercury Topaz on the highway, I crested a hill at about 10 mph over the speed limit. A sheriff was approaching and caught me before I could slow down.

My excuse was that I was going downhill.

If I didn’t get a ticket, I certainly deserved one. I think I may have gotten by with just a warning though.

The officer’s reply to my lame excuse was golden though. “Havin’ a little trouble handlin’ all that horsepower are ya?”

January 5, 2009 at 5:36PM

I remember leaving a party with a girlfriend in my (male) friend’s new car.

He (unsuccessfully) tried to outrun a cop.  I thought there was NO WAY we were getting off the hook when the officer asked him to step out of the vehicle, but - a few minutes later, my friend returned with a warning.

When we asked him what he told the police officer, he said it went something like this:

OFC: Why were you speeding?
FRIEND: Well…I just got this new car and I was trying to impress a couple of girls.
OFC:  (Chuckles) I understand.  I have a new sports car at home myself.

HA!  I still can’t believe his luck.

Diane K
January 5, 2009 at 7:40PM

I was in central NE once, going 15-20 over the limit, when I met a patrol car going the other direction. I saw them turning around, but I went up over a hill and while out of their sight I drove into a corn field. Just about got stuck in the sand, but avoided a ticket. My kid still gives me grief over that one.

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