How ‘Bout Those Actual Conditions?

By: Mr. Wilson on January 11, 2011
I can't help but laugh at poor ol' Steve Joel right now. The new LPS Superintendent had previously promised that school closing decisions would be based on "actual conditions" rather than forecasts. His promise melted quicker than a snowball in a microwave. Last night's decision to cancel classes today marked the second straight day he did exactly the opposite. And for what purpose? As far as I can tell it's to shelter Lincoln's kids from perfectly average winter weather. That's a rather quixotic agenda, and one that likely isn't as good at its goals as its supporters suggest. One assumes the goal is to protect the most vulnerable children, but ironically the best way to protect those kids is to allow them to go to school. I know I know, these complaints are tired and overused. I keep making them not because I have a penchant for dead horse beatings. I probably wouldn't have posted this at all except that Mr. Joel made such a big fuss about being different than his predecessors. He has earned a good mocking. Two, actually. I suspect that even he -- like so many politicians and public officials before him -- will admit that he should have kept his mouth shut. At this point I wish LPS would just come out and be honest. Quit making us wait until after bedtime to learn if school is out the next day. The rules are becoming clear: school will be cancelled if the forecast calls for a cumulative total of more than six inches of snow, or if the wind chill will be below zero. I'm not sure why they don't just come out and say that. It'd save everybody a lot of stress.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

January 11, 2011 at 3:11PM

There was a time when LPS always waited until the morning to call school. I don’t see much wrong with the way they do things now.

January 11, 2011 at 8:18PM

Hey, if Pizza Hut won’t deliver to my house because side roads are a mess.. then I think LPS canceling based on that factor as well is pretty legit (and yes, I’m being serious).  There are many factors to cancel school, and I don’t really care what pony show the school puts on, or if they have egg on their face later, as long as the kids and parents are kept safe.

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