Holdrege Bridge is Falling Down, Falling Down

By: Mr. Wilson on September 18, 2008
It probably shouldn't come as a surprise that the City had to close the bridge near 18th and Holdrege to vehicle traffic due to safety concerns. The structure hadn't seen any maintenance in almost thirty years. The next question is whether we should fix it, replace it, or just settle for an at-grade crossing. My early vote is for the latter, though that's just a gut call based on limited information. Kinda makes you wonder how many other pieces of our transportation infrastructure are about to age out.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

West A Dad
September 18, 2008 at 3:48PM

Besides the reported structural faults, I wonder how many cement cars have derailed and struck underside parts of that bridge. Seventy five years racks up a lot of train miles. Not all derailments are reported.

I say make it an at-grade crossing. The low traffic volume doesn’t warrant an expensive repair or replacement.

An at grade crossing would make for a nice hill from track level up to 19th Street.

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