Hello There, Bubbles

By: Mr. Wilson on December 8, 2011
The Missus and I ate at Village Inn on Van Dorn Street (just east of 48th Street) last night, as is our quasi-tradition each year on our dating anniversary. I say "quasi-tradition" because we haven't actually kept it going very well these past few years. Fifteen years ago we ate at Village Inn all the time, as many Southeast High School students did back in the day. These days VI just doesn't have the same appeal to us. That being said, I was pleasantly surprised that VI has completely upgraded its interior. The tables are a bit crowded and some of the decor is cheesy as hell in its attempt to be "hip", but overall it's a nice look. (Just one question: why didn't they change out the old, cigarette smoke-stained ceiling tiles?) Even the service had received an overhaul since the last time I stepped foot into a VI. Our waitress Bubbles, in particular, was a hoot. When we arrived the restaurant was probably a good 80-85% full, but service seemed to be humming along just fine. Overall the experience was ... nice. Nothing about VI is going to blow you away, but they've clearly stepped up their game since my last visit. I've got to give them credit for that.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 8, 2011 at 3:27PM

We love Bubbles 😊

December 9, 2011 at 12:59AM

I used to go there all the time about 4 years ago…and bubbles was our favorite…so funny!

December 9, 2011 at 2:16PM

She’s great.

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