Hawthorne in the News Again

By: Mr. Wilson on September 5, 2007
Hawthorne Elementary's supporters came out in droves yesterday to protest the potential closing of the school. Many of the supporters' arguments just aren't very persuasive, but yesterday at least one new argument came to the fore: although the number of families with young children is small right now, the neighborhood is primed for an influx of younger residents as long-time elderly residents gradually leave. I don't know if the facts support that contention, but it's a good theory. Much better than one woman's statement that "this is the only school that [she has] seen that they are so friendly." Setting aside whether or not you think Hawthorne and Dawes should close, do you think they will? Do you think the Board of Education will follow through on this proposal?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

September 5, 2007 at 2:03PM

Yeah, I think they’ll close. I live in that neighborhood and I don’t see the huge elderly population that gal was talking about. There are plenty of young families. I think it’s just that if you go too far east or west of 48th you’re closer to Eastridge or Randolph. Hawthorne schools appears to be in decent shape which makes it ideal to be repurposed.

September 5, 2007 at 2:36PM

I kind of think that yes, they will close.

September 5, 2007 at 2:43PM

Of course they will close.  They have to keep those trailer companies in business don’t they?  And as for the “repurposing” of the buildings….Wasn’t that SUPPOSED to be what they were going to do with Whittier?  And, to this day, it sits like a huge white elephant.  Excuse is that there is too much asbestos in the insulation and paint.  Geez.  One would think that, by this time, they culd have had it cleaned up and made money off the building.  Apartments, offices, whatever.  Rather than let it sit empty and decaying.

Mr. Wilson
September 5, 2007 at 2:48PM


September 5, 2007 at 2:53PM

It’s owned by UNL and they’re turning into some research complex. Going to be really cool, I think.

September 5, 2007 at 4:05PM

True, LPS hasn’t owned the school for quite some time.  And I believe that UNL does own it now.  However, if you go by there and drive around back you will see city trucks and cars parked there as well as UNL vehicles.  I think that the rear part of the building is in use.  It’s just hard for me to understand why, after all these years, the place still sits empty.  Anyone with half a brain could understand that it would be cheaper to put it to use than to let it rot away.  Unless, of course, that’s UNL’s idea.  But isn’t it on the register of historic places now?

September 5, 2007 at 5:31PM

I would be down with a brewpub half a block from my house. Moses, please make this happen.

September 5, 2007 at 7:09PM

I love McMenamins, so I’m all for that.  I didn’t stay at their Kennedy school, but I stayed at Edgefield once and at the Hotel Oregon twice (click on the link above and point to “hotels”).

I love that kind of atmosphere.  My boyfriend and I have even dreamed of doing something like that with Whittier, should either one of us ever wins the lottery… and UNL decided they didn’t want it anymore.  *wishful thinking*

September 5, 2007 at 7:43PM

Now THAT would be a good idea.  But, since UNL owns it, you will probably never see that come to pass.  It will probably sit until it becomes a derelict building and they come up with some sort of excuse to tear it down.

September 5, 2007 at 8:44PM

Sadly, I think you’re right.

I wish I had the brains, the braun, and the funds to fight for Whittier’s right to be recognized as the beautiful building it is and its potential.

I’ve not seen Hawthorne Elementary, but I bet I’d be saying the same thing about that building too.

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