Good Education, Cheap

By: Mr. Wilson on March 19, 2009
Well, maybe not cheap. But no more expensive than last year. Lots of folks pursue further education in the midst of an economic downtown. The current situation is no exception. Thus, plenty of folks are tickled pink about Southeast Community College's decision not to raise tuition for 2009-2010. In contrast, over the past 7 academic years tuition increased averaged 6.63%. I have never attended SCC so I can't personally vouch for its programs. Overall, local opinion of SCC seems to run fairly positive. Anecdotally, my sister is an SCC grad and she has a very good job now; other SCC grads I know who have commented on their education generally have positive things to say. I'm not sure what local employers think about an SCC education. How many new applications do you think this news about SCC will generate for them? Or looking at it from a different perspective, how much of an impact will this have on UNL's applications?


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