Good Decisions

By: Mr. Wilson on April 12, 2006
I reffed a soccer game out in Grand Island last night. Mid-way through the second half I suspended the game due to lightning off to the south. It was a difficult decision to make because on the one hand the lightning was putting on a heck of a show, but on the other hand my usual rule of thumb -- the 30/30 rule -- had not yet kicked in. There was no thunder at all, so determining the lightning's distance was pretty much impossible. Eventually my partners and I decided that because the wind was blowing so hard perpindicular to the storm, it may have been carrying the lightning's sound away with it. (I know that's not exactly how sound works, but you know what I mean.) We halted the game, cleared the field, and sat around for 30 minutes. As so often happens in these situations, the lightning bolt that convinced us to stop the game was also the last bolt we saw. Darn it, we could have kept playing. Then I saw the front page of this morning's Journal Star: Teenage girl killed by lightning in Beatrice


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