Go West, Young Man

By: Mr. Wilson on February 5, 2008
I don't suspect too many people will mourn the death of Tobacco Hut, but it is interesting to note that it's probably the first business to close at least in part due to the West O bridge reconstruction. According to the Journal Star, it seems that most other businesses are hanging tough, with just a few layoffs or cuts in hours blamed on the bridge. Then again, we're only three months into a one year project. Have you changed your West O travel habits as a result of the bridge work?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

February 5, 2008 at 2:58PM

I live a block away from the secret route, so I have always crossed the tracks at 3rd & J anyways.  Has not affected me that much, cept for more peeps to look at while waiting for the train.

As long as Popeyes and Oreily auto parts stay open I will be fine.

They have been pounding in stuff for the past few weeks.  Becomes soothing like the trains.

February 5, 2008 at 3:38PM

I give props to the guy for not blaming his business failure on the smoking ban. Sorry he didn’t make it through the closure.

February 5, 2008 at 4:24PM

It is much harder to get to Randy’s for the morning doughnuts.  Not that I need the carbs but they sure are good.

February 5, 2008 at 4:30PM

baked not fried 😉

February 5, 2008 at 4:38PM

I’ve gone out of my way to have lunch on West O since the overpass work began. The Red Fox has been quite busy every time I’ve gone there for lunch. And The Restaurant has had pretty fair lunch crowds the couple of times I’ve been there.

Side note ... I’m thrilled to read that the Red Fox may open a second location near 14th and Pine Lake Road.

I don’t know how they could afford the overhead at that location, but I will support them. I was really sad to see Slapshotz close.

February 5, 2008 at 5:45PM

I’ve noticed that you eat lunch at a lot of bars…. 😉

Just sayin’.

February 5, 2008 at 8:06PM

Yeah, I’m a heathen. Ain’t it great!


February 8, 2008 at 5:53AM

you could go to SunMart on 17th and South, as Randy delivers doughnuts to them

February 15, 2008 at 7:55PM

I’m good friends with the (former) owners of Slapshotz. They lost their lease, with no explanation. It’s speculated that the building owner received an offer at a higher rate than Slapshotz was paying, but didn’t give Slapshotz the courtesy of negotiating a new rate.

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