Get Your Fried Batter On

By: Mr. Wilson on August 5, 2011
In case you missed out, the Lancaster County Fair -- er, sorry, "Super Fair" -- is now open. And as per tradition, their website still inhales. What is it about fairs and restaurants that requires them to have crappy websites? The Wilsons are headed to the fair tomorrow evening. We like to go at least once each year. It's free, after all. (You DID pick up your advance tickets, didn't you? If not it's $2 at the gate.) We'll wander around, maybe ride a couple rides, play fair food Russian roulette, and just generally goof around. That's what fairs are for. If you're going to be around tomorrow evening, be sure to say hello if you see us. We won't be hard to pick out of the crowd. I'm the bald guy with the hot blonde wife, a squirrely 8 year old brown-haired kid, a scrawny brown-skinned 5 year old with a love for trains, and a 4 year old who runs like a linebacker. You can't miss us.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

August 5, 2011 at 2:40PM

I haven’t checked out their site, but you are the third person who I have seen make mention of the fact that it blows. I did see a TV commercial, and it was an affront to TV commercials. That’s saying something.

August 5, 2011 at 3:26PM

We went last night. Just like last year, no one asks about tickets. There was no $2 charge to get in. It seems like they either cannot get that aspect organized or they just do not care.

the missus
August 5, 2011 at 6:29PM

Hey, thanks! nothing makes my day like being called “hot” in blog-world 😊

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