Friday Five

By: Mr. Wilson on November 10, 2006
Now that the 2015 Visioning Group has stepped up to deal with the next decade of development in and around Downtown, I wonder what other pieces of Lincoln could use a little help from an ambitious band of volunteers with the goal of bringing unity to a variety of goals and plans. Five possibilities:
  1. Micro-cores. I suggested this the other day. There is an opportunity for more comprehensive and ambitious planning in Lincoln's "micro-cores" like College View, Uni Place, and Havelock.
  2. Transportation. Lincolnites love to complain about transportation in the city, so this sounds like a perfect area for a group to step in and make recommendations for change and commitments to help improve the situation.
  3. Arts & Entertainment. "There's nothing to do in Lincoln!" I hear it all the time. Is it true? What can be done about it?
  4. Recreation. Many, many groups are involved in sports and recreation in Lincoln. Coordination and planning among power players could help improve recreation opportunities across the city.
  5. Education. Lincoln has a very strong history of public and private, K-12 and higher education. But coordinated planning among all of the entities involved in educating Lincoln's youth, not to mention entities not traditionally associated with education, has been spotty.


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