Five Ys

By: Mr. Wilson on February 3, 2012
Not long after the Cooper Y announced another building expansion, here's news that a southeast Y is in our near future thanks to $1 million from Ed and Mary Copple. YMCAs are taking over this town. My wife is a member of the Cooper Y (South 14th Street) and it's frequently packed. Beyond that, its programs are packed. Signing up the kids for activities means being quick on the draw if we want to ensure they get a spot. There's certainly demand for more YMCA services. The location of the new Y is up in the air at this point. Will they choose Village Gardens, despite its relative proximity to the Cooper Y? How about the area around Walmart? Or perhaps something farther north, perhaps near St. Mark's United Methodist on Pioneers Boulevard? At the rate their growing, maybe they'll choose all three. I'm curious how many of you readers are members of the Y or participate in Y programs in some capacity. How many of you might become a member if it moved in near you? Where would you put it?


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

Mr. T
February 3, 2012 at 2:08PM

Very cool. Being a downtown denizen, I’ve tried out the Downtown Y before on a trial pass. I liked it a lot, but it was a little too crowded for me. The running room is a zoo. Would love if they expanded.

Ryan M.
February 3, 2012 at 2:47PM

As someone who lives near 84th & Pioneers, location was the primary reason we didn’t join the Y. 

Still not sure we will, as we’ve been happy with the equipment at Anytime Fitness.  Also, in many ways, it’s nice to workout at a place that’s not busy - never have to wait for equipment.

February 3, 2012 at 3:53PM

We’ve been members of the Y for several years.  I’m glad to hear this, but the Northeast Y, which I frequent the most could use some love.  They recently remodelled the entry and it looks great.  But I’d describe the overall place as kinda dingy.

Just Thinkin
February 3, 2012 at 7:26PM

How about the nice building at 48th and Pioneers that used to be a spa? It is a shame that building is vacant.

Mr. Wilson
February 4, 2012 at 4:00PM

It’s an OK building, but it’s missing a lot of things that I’m sure the Y would want. An outdoor pool is surely high on the wishlist, but there’s no place for it at that location. And the parking lot? Way too small. Check out the Cooper Y’s parking lot on a busy day to see how insane it can get.

February 8, 2012 at 6:54PM

I went to the Cooper Y from work, and even in the middle of the afternoon it could be a challenge on some days to find parking. There was usually enough equipment, though. That being said, Ill welcome one in my neck of the woods now that I have no reason to drive over there every day (company got sold, unemployed at the moment). My kids are bugging me about doing stuff at the Y and logistically its a challenge ferrying theme to where they need to go right now. Anytime Fitness is nice for just doing some weights or cardio, but its far from a full service fitness facility. I tried them for a year and went back to the Y.

Mr. Wilson
February 8, 2012 at 7:13PM

What kind of work do you do? Maybe somebody around here has an opening…

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