Fine Online

By: Mr. Wilson on December 11, 2007
Got a fine? Pay it online. Nebraska has begun a pilot project to allow for the payment of certain fines online. By paying online you give up certain rights -- notably, the right to contest the citation -- but if you had no plans to fight the charge anyway, you can save yourself a little time and effort. If it helps, think of paying online as engaging in civic service. How's that, you ask? By speeding up the court process for yourself, you open up more time for the courts to deal with people who really need the justice system's attention. But be sure not to brush aside your rights just because it's easier. If you've got a legitimate case, fight it.


See what your friends and neighbors have to say about this.

December 11, 2007 at 7:52PM

My wife wrote the front end of that program.

Mr. Wilson
December 11, 2007 at 7:59PM

Did she happen to write in any tricks to, say, cut the fines in half?

December 11, 2007 at 8:12PM

naw, would of been nice though 😉

This is another site they built where they do not make any profit off of it.  After you make it through her part it goes to the banks site where the $2.25 fee is charged along with your payment.  NIC gets no compensation.

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